Sunday 3 May 2020

Bash scrip to check internet speed frequently in Linux

Check internet speed frequently

$ crontab -l
   # set frequency
   20,50 * * * * sh /usr/local/src/

$ vim
   # run python to get speed
   python > /var/log/speed_test.log

   # process speed_test.log file
   date=$(date "+%d %B %Y %H:%M")
   echo -n "$date" >> /var/log/speed.log
   while IFS= read -r line
     if [[ "$line" == *"Download"* ]] || [[ \n\t"$line" == *"Upload"* ]] ; then
           echo -n  '   ' "$line" >> /var/log/speed.log
   done < /var/log/speed_test.log
   echo -e "\n" >> /var/log/speed.log'

$ tail -f /var/log/speed.log
   03 May 2020 18:05    Download: 9.40 Mbit/s    Upload: 6.34 Mbit/s
   03 May 2020 18:22    Download: 11.34 Mbit/s    Upload: 6.12 Mbit/s

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