GNU was designed to be a replacement for Unix operating systems of the 1980s and used the POSIX standards as a guide. The following list is a small set of GNU packages.
Software Package Description
autoconf Automatically configure source code packages
automake makes *.in files
bash shell
bc interactive calculator
binutils binary files utilities
coreutils A combined package of Fileutils, Shellutils and Textutils
cpio copy to and from, a disc or file system
diff compare files
ed line oriented text editor
emacs extensible text editor
findutils find, locate and xargs utilities
finger find information about users
gawk awk programming
gcc for C,C++, Objective-C and other
gdb debugger for C, C++ and FORTRAN
gdbm replacement for dbm and ndbm libraries
gettext writing multilingual programs
GIMP GNU image manipulation program
Gnumeric graphical spreadsheet
grep includes grep, egrep and fgrep
groff document formatting
gtk+ GUI toolkit for X Window system
gzip compressing and decompressing utility
less similar to more
libpng library for image files
make determine which pieces of a program need to be recompiled
patch generate the modified version
rcs revision control system
sed stream oriented version of ed text editor
tar tape archiving program
textinfo for online info docs
time actual time that a process uses
All GNU packages
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